Houston molder helping workers get back on their feet

via Plastics News

Texas Injection Molding LLC was spared from major damage from Hurricane Harvey. But the Houston company’s employees haven’t all been so lucky, and that includes CEO Jeff Applegate.

Applegate was overwhelmed with the way the Houston community has reacted to the disaster. Likewise, he is thankful for the support he’s been offered from plastics industry colleagues.

“It’s a good testament to the industry. When times get tough, people care and want to lend a hand,” he said.

Read the full story here: http://www.plasticsnews.com/article/20170830/NEWS/170839985/houston-molder-helping-workers-get-back-on-their-feet

Rubber & Plastics News

via Plastics News

Autonomous technology driving vehicle design

Troy, Mich. — Mobility always has been at the core of the automotive industry, and now it’s also about to rock that same core.

Autonomous vehicles are on the horizon. And even if that horizon is distant, the industry is preparing to design a new world where millions of people would gain access to the road if the technology can be brought to the mainstream.

Read the full story here: http://www.plasticsnews.com/article/20170724/NEWS/170729954/autonomous-technology-driving-vehicle-design#tagID_17

World’s plastic waste could bury Manhattan 2 miles deep

Waste Plastic is Soaring in Huge Numbers

via Chicago Sun Times.

WASHINGTON — Industry has made more than 9.1 billion tons of plastic since 1950 and there’s enough left over to bury Manhattan under more than two miles of trash, according to a new cradle-to-grave global study.

Read the full story here: http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/worlds-plastic-waste-could-bury-manhattan-2-miles-deep/


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Plastics Generation

via Newsweek

Humans have produced more than 9 billion tons of plastic throughout history, most of it ending up in landfills

The total is approximately 25,000 times the weight of the Empire State Building

Read the full story here: http://www.newsweek.com/plastic-production-pollution-9-billion-tons-recycling-639226


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