MIT students fortify concrete by adding recycled plastic


Adding bits of irradiated plastic water bottles could cut cement industry’s carbon emissions.

MIT undergraduate students have found that, by exposing plastic flakes to small, harmless doses of gamma radiation, then pulverizing the flakes into a fine powder, they can mix the plastic with cement paste to produce concrete that is up to 20 percent stronger than conventional concrete.

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Best Prices Paid for Plastic Scrap at Domino Plastics


Marine Plastic Pollution

Naturalist Attenborough makes dire warning of plastic pollution in world’s oceans

via CNBC

U.K. naturalist and broadcaster David Attenborough has warned of the dangers of plastic in the oceans after witnessing the damage it causes while filming a new wildlife series.

Attenborough said that during the recording of the BBC’s TV series “Blue Planet II” he saw countless examples of the negative effect of plastics, according to comments in the Guardian newspaper on Sunday.

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Project Loon Approved to Restore Internet to Puerto Rico


FCC Approves Alphabet’s Project Loon for Hurricane-Devastated Puerto Rico


File:Google Loon - Launch Event.jpg
By Flicker User: iLighter (Flickr: Google Loon balloon) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
NEWS ANALYSIS: The Federal Communications Commission has approved a license to enable Alphabet’s X innovation lab to set up its Project Loon communications system to provide emergency cell service to hurricane-devastated Puerto Rico.

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